Social Sciences

UNIT 2:     Society and consumption

A consumer society is a society in which people often buy new goods, especially goods which they do not need, and which places a high value on owning many things.

Nowadays, we can define our stile of life as a consumer society but not always human societies have been like that. Look back into history and we will find patterns of consumption very different from those that exist today. For thousand of years, the vast majority of human  population  lived in rural areas and worked in agriculture. Their clothing and household possessions were extremely limited and were typically made by household members or by artisans from the same village. A small elite, of course, had long enjoyed higher consumption standards and habitually bought luxury goods and services.
Let´s have a look into the past to understand the changes that have taken place.



Since their origin, human beings have changed the ecosystem in order to provide vital goods. Buy it was after the Second World War when  the increase of consumption, the growth of cities and industries, the development of transport, the application of new technologies in agriculture, etc., have  intensified human impact on natural environment.
Climate change, extinction of species and pollution of  air and water has become a growing concern for nations all over the world. Knowing how do humans affect the environment will help us understand and address the problems better.

Some interesting links